Friday, July 30, 2010

Tattooing to overcome obstacles - by Monica

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I'm always a sucker for stories about people who have overcame their obstacles. To me, those stories touch my heart the most, and teaches people that no matter what bad things happen, it's not the end of the world. You can still thrive. Situations that life hand us aren't set in stone. You can rise above the circumstances you have gone through.

I read an article from the Asbury Park Press about a story like this -- a tattoo artist who overcame some tough obstacles. When I saw this, I figured it would be an appropriate topic to write about since Kristy and I both have tattoos (on a side note: the shooting star in our banner is actually the matching tattoo that Kristy and I have to represent never settling and always shooting for the stars).

Many people don't seem to see the importance of art (in any shape and form) and the outlet that it gives to many people. But 22-year-old New Jersey resident Kelly Murray used art to help her get out of an abusive home situation, give her something to focus on while her boyfriend was in Iraq and help pay for going to college. She told the reporter at APP that art provided her with an emotional outlet in her teens years during her troubled life at home.

She acknowledged the fact that tattoos hold a stigma, and I have met people who hold stereotypes about people with tattoos. But Murray knows that you need to do what you love and not care what others think. Because that is what led her to a happy life -- doing what she loves and getting away from those who put her down.

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