Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My dream of reporting from D.C. came true (well...sort of) - by Monica

So, as I have talked about before -- a couple of weeks ago I went on vacation to Virginia to visit my boyfriend's brother and went to D.C. for three days. Well, being the journalism nerd that I am, I fell in love while in D.C. I fell in love with a museum I didn't even know existed.

It's called the Newseum, and I really can't believe it's not more popular than it is. Housed in the Newseum are hundreds and hundreds of headlines and newspaper articles of memorable events, award-winning journalists' photography, a few of Elvis' jumpsuits, a piece of the Berlin wall, the top of the World Trade Center and a chunk of the Pentagon. There was also a gift shop (where I bought the above coffee cup). Sadly, there was no Oakland Press articles there (laaame)...only Detroit Free Press articles. I'm hoping in the years to come, I can help change this *wink*wink*.

But anyway, one of my favorite parts of being at the museum was making my own mock broadcast. Seeing myself reporting from "the White House" was surreal, something I always wondered what it would look like (even if I was actually standing in front of a green screen):

1 comment:

  1. Monica! That museum sounds so cool! I'd love to go there someday. Thanks for the report and giving me something to add to my travel wish list.

    <3 Molly
