Read original articles: Edmonton Journal, Pakistan Times, and the Oakland Press.
Image credit: Telegraph.
Today a real-life fairy tale occured when a "commoner" married a prince, which is the first time in 350 years of British history for this to happen.
I'm sure this gave hope to millions of little girls who watched their television sets, hoping they too would someday meet their real-life "prince charming," and that it was possible in more than just Disney movies.
In this modern love story, Kate Middleton and Prince William did not know eachother for three days before tying the knot. Instead they knew each other for ten years and dated for eight years before getting married. This makes spectators believe that this marriage will last forever, unlike the marriage of Prince William's parents. Middleton was not helplessly seeking out a man when she met Prince William. Instead, she was attending the University of St.Andrews in Fife, Scotland when the two met. And, even though she met a man who could easily support her, she graduated from college in 2005 with an honors degree in the history of art.
At one point, before the vows began, William mouthed what appeared to be: "You look beautiful," to his bride.
No, my point isn't for girls not to settle until they find a literal prince. My lesson is -- don't look so hard. Live your life and strive to be who you want to be before getting married. The person you deserve to be with forever, no matter if he or she is rich and famous or poor, will respect this quality in you and will wait for you as long as it take. He or she will treat you right, make you feel special, not like some kind of "trophy." A fairy tale shouldn't be a three-day long whirlwind's a committment that lasts forever.
So true!