Friday, October 1, 2010

You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you - by Monica

Today is the first day of October. What does October make you think of? Halloween, leaves changing color, cider Well, today schools in Oakland County such as Oxford High School, Lake Orion High School, Royal Oak High School and Notre Dame Prep are only thinking of the last thing mentioned on my list as they sit cheering for their high school at their homecoming games tonight.

And, obviously, since their homecoming football game is tonight, that means that hair salons will be packed tomorrow with girls getting their hair done for the homecoming dance.

So, my happy news for today is about how my best friend Felicia's little sister Mary was asked to homecoming this year. I've known Mary since she was born (wow, that makes me sound old haha), and this year she has her first date to homecoming (and I will definitely be there helping get her ready). I know you are probably thinking that me being all nostalgic and sappy isn't what you came here to read. But the way she was asked to homecoming is 100 percent news worthy!

Have you guys ever seen the movie "10 Things I Hate About You"? If you haven't, or if it's been a while, here's a little refresher:

Well that is the way Mary was asked to homecoming a week ago. Her date, Michael, got the school band to play, "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You." One of her friends is on the color guard team and asked her to come out to the football field to "watch her practice." In reality, she was getting Mary out onto the football field so the band could play the song while Michael, with a microphone in his hand, sang "Can't Take My Eyes off of You" on the bleachers.

I don't know about you, but that's probably the most romantic thing I've ever heard of. So I figured it was an appropriate happy news to share today, on the day where many highschoolers are looking forward to their homecoming.

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