Ever since I was three years old, before I even knew how to write, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I would make up words to the pictures in the Reader's Digest magazine and would tell my mom the words to stories I would make up in my head. This is always what I wanted to do.
I have been in Virginia this week (which is where I am as I currently write this blog entry), visiting my boyfriend's brother and his family. I was helping his 10-year-old girl Myah with her homework tonight after dinner, and I was reminded of my big dreams when I was little (big dreams that have held true, even to this day). In her homework assignment, she was asked what great person she would want to emulate. This is when she informed me that she wants to be a fashion designer someday, so I went online with her to help her find which designer she wants to be like someday. Of course, Myah choose Vera Wang as her example.
The stars in her eyes when she saw the dresses and the way she exclaimed that this made her want to start drawing dresses as well made me smile. I could see how bright this 10-year-old's future was by watching her looking through the dresses.
Do you remember when you where little, how the world seemed so big and everything felt possible? I could see that in Myah's eyes today, and I remembered what that felt like. But I have met many adults who give up on their dreams. Hearing Myah talk about what she wants to be, I never wanted her to lose that inspiration like so many of us adults have in our lifetimes. I wanted her to believe anything is possible...because it is. And we need to remember that true -- that anything IS possible and that our dreams are within our reach...if we are willing to work for them.
So, in this blog, I want to challenge you to remember what your dream was when you were younger? Is that still your dream? Have you compromised on that dream?
If the answer to all of the above is yes, I just want to say what I said to Myah -- your dream IS possible! And you should fight for it, never compromising.
Here is an excerpt from an article I read on ezinearticle.com that I encourage you to read.
You know what's sad? When a parent pushes their child to not give up on their dreams but that child constantly sees that their parent has. As parents, we have to set the example for our children and allow them to see a role model who strives to be their very best. That child will not have a reason to give up on anything because they don't see their example in the household doing it. Experiencing the rewards that come from your accomplishment feels pretty good and that child is going to want to have that feeling as well. If the road that you are currently on is not satisfactory to you, it's ok to take a step back and regroup. Put a plan together that you can stick to so that you can make that detour pay off big for you! There are 24 hours in a day. Utilize these hours to the best of your ability! When you want something, and you want it bad...you will do what it takes to get it! So if you have to dedicate a couple of hours a day towards your plan so that you can achieve the goals that are for you, so be it! Because you know what's amazing? When you discover what it takes for you to get on your path and put a plan into place, you'll begin to notice so many things falling into your lap. All of the pieces of the complicated puzzle will begin to fall into place. So if you haven't already done so, get out a piece a paper and just do it! Don't fight it anymore because it's past time for you to experience the greatness you have been preventing yourself from achieving. Start working on your plan now so that your life can get back on track and you can begin to get ahead on accomplishing your dreams! It's time to start living the life you're supposed to live. Our lives are like a maze, it seems really complicated when you begin, but make the right turns and you'll realize that it wasn't so challenging after all.
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