Friday, August 6, 2010

Bravery - by Monica

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   /ˈbreɪvəri, ˈbreɪvri
–noun, plural -er·ies.
brave spirit or conduct; courage; valor.
showiness; splendor; magnificence.
1. intrepidity, fearlessness, boldness, daring, prowess, heroism, pluck, spirit, audacity, nerve, mettle, spunk

Bravery. That woman in the video sure had bravery. And it showed me that there are more ways to deal with fear than just screaming and giving in, which is what I probably would have done in the situation. I feel like sometimes our fear inhibits us and makes us unable to speak to someone who may just need someone to talk to.

After I heard this story on the news, it made me realize that maybe there is more good in people than we give them credit for. Sometimes we spend so much time condemning people for their mistakes that we don't realize that it was just that...a mistake. We don't realize what was going on in their heads when they made that mistake. Instead of hating the man who tried to rob her, the clerk showed him love and compassion, which in turn led him to breaking down and not committing the theft. Just think -- if more of us spread love and compassion instead of hate and fear, maybe it would bring out the best in others as well.

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