On the topic of birthdays, American Cancer Society is the official sponsor of birthdays, or of creating a world with more birthdays. ACS describes their “More birthdays” movement as, “The movement for more birthdays is about everyday people coming together to make a meaningful difference. There are so many ways to create a world with more birthdays. Whether you are keeping your family healthy to stay well, finding the best resources to help a friend or loved one deal with a diagnosis on their journey to get well, or becoming active in your local community to fight back and find cures for this disease, together we can help make sure that cancer never steals another year of anyone’s life.”
There are several ways you can help people to have more birthdays. May and June are the months for Relay for Life, and you can find a calendar for Relay for Life in Michigan here. May 15 is Clarkson’s, May 22 is Oxford’s, June 5 is Auburn Hill’s and West Bloomfield’s, June 12 is Waterford’s and June 19 is Ortonville’s.
As my friend Brittany said, we have our lives to look forward to, and I, for one, would like to help people have more to look forward to.
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