Instead I encourage the idea of learning to happy with what is. It's something that sounds so simple but is actually extremely challenging. It is not something that comes naturally. I feel like we are more apt to want perfection than to be willing to accept what is. So I am not saying this is something that is easy. Learning to be happy with what is thrown our way is quite an acquired state of mind. It takes a special kind of person to learn how to accept. Some people struggle with this all of their life. But when you stop and think about it, why be so hard on yourself when you know you gave something your all? Win or lose, fail or succeed; we all need to learn it's okay and when we gave something 100% we should be happy with ourselves regardless.
Being successful, making mistakes, taking chances - these are all ways in which we learn to grow.
And it's important to note that I am not saying to settle, because nobody deserves to settle. We all deserve to chase our dreams. But I am saying to work at learning that when you try your best, that is good enough. Don't beat yourself up over little things, knowing you gave something your all is worth being happy about.
Keep reaching for the stars. Keep giving your all and be happy knowing you did. ;)

Aww, Kristy! I love this entry! It made me smile a lot, especially since I know I am one of those people with self-confidence issues. "I didn't do good enough," seems to be a constant phrase going through my mind. This entry really helped show me tha I need to just be happy with what is. Fail or succeed, I need to be happy with the fact that I tried my best. I need to be happy with who I am, because who I am is good enough.
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