This weekend is "Tell her she's beautiful" weekend with more than 1 million attendants on
the Facebook event. This event was created by Joshua Amar, a student at W.L. Mackenzie Collegiate in Canada. And when I found this event, it made me so happy that someone thought to do this and that there were so many responses. We live in a society where women are always pressured to look beautiful...and that this is all that matters. Not personality...but a certain manmade definition of beauty. But what defines beauty...and who got to decide this definition? Flawless skin? The ratio of curves to stomach? Every hair in place? A small percentage of body fat? Who gets to decide what's deemed beautiful and what's not? And women are made to feel awful because they can't fit this impossible standard made by airbrushed photographs and plastic surgery.
But...you are beautiful! Just the way you are, you're beautiful!
Everyday this weekend (and even further than just this weekend), tell someone they are beautiful (and no, I am not talking about some chick you are trying to pick up at a bar either...I mean genuninely tell someone they are beautiful). It will make their day...trust me.
Here is what Amar said about why he created this weekend:
It has come to my attention that as I grow older, girls get more and more self conscious of themselves. This hurts me, because every girl is beautiful in their own way. They all want to live up to standards that the media has set for them, like being paper thin or double Z breasts. It really breaks my heart to see all of the girls to wallow around and hate who they are and think they aren’t worth something.
I’m making this event so everyone can tell anyone that they think is beautiful, that they are beautiful. Just tell them. They don’t hear it enough, and they want to hear it. Tell anyone; tell your friend, your mother, your sister, your cousin, your dog for all I care. Let’s show girls that we don’t care about the standards that they set for themselves and that we like them the way they are.
Let’s show every girl that they really are beautiful. So tell them, it’ll make their day.
Girls, you ARE beautiful.
Guys please do not fret too much about this, this event was inspired by my friends that don't think that they're enough. Hence why I dedicate this to females. But being a guy myself, I do understand how we can feel self conscious at times too. So yes this can be for males too, i never said it couldn't.Join the "Tell Her She's Beautiful" Facebook group